Acupuncture is a healing modality involving the insertion of hair-thin needles into the body at different acupuncture points. There are 361 major acupuncture points throughout the body, each with different functions to treat imbalance, alleviate pain, and maintain health.
TCM stands for Traditional Chinese Medicine, which is a holistic form of medicine that includes acupuncture, herbal medicine, and other modalities - including moxibustion, tui na, gua sha, cupping, bloodletting, and more.
For most, there is minimal to no sensation with the insertion of the needles. For some, there can be some discomfort during insertion, particularly with more sensitive patients, but the discomfort does not linger more than a few seconds. I pride myself on my gentle needle insertion technique. If you are nervous about needle sensation, let me know, and I can employ techniques to reduce the sensation for you.
Chinese Medicine views the body as a whole system and focuses on correcting imbalances in the body. Because of this, acupuncture, especially when combined with herbal medicine, can treat:
musculoskeletal disorders
gynecological disorders
autoimmune disorders
reproductive support
skin disorders
digestive support
neurological disorders
so much more
In truth, Chinese Medicine can treat so many things. If you’re curious if it can be helpful for you, feel free to book a free phone consultation with me to discuss it further.
Because of its holistic and personalized approach, acupuncture is helpful for the vast majority of people. Whether you're healing from an illness, dealing with chronic pain, or feeling great and wanting to maintain health and longevity, acupuncture can support you! Some conditions, however, may be too severe or not respond to treatment. If this is the case, I will refer you to someone who may be better suited.
This can vary greatly depending on the individual and the disharmony we are working on. Many people feel some improvement within the first few treatments. However, for those changes to really stick, it can take longer. We generally start with 4-8 treatments and reassess from there, with most mild to moderate cases resolving from weekly treatments for 6-12 weeks. We are healing patterns that have sometimes been building for years, and that takes time, but with patience and perseverance, we can provide you with longer lasting results over the long term.
1. Please complete your paperwork in advance! When you book your appointment, you will receive an email with a link to complete the paperwork online. This will ensure we will be able to use the full time for your treatment.
2. Ensure your stomach is not empty before your treatment. Make sure to eat a snack or a meal before coming in.
3. Wear loose and comfy clothing that roll up to your elbows and knees.
4. Let go of the other parts of your day while you are in the treatment room. Give yourself this time to relax and rejuvenate.